Currently, Jasmine Version 2.x is supported and the default test framework when You will need to require and set up Chai inside your test files: If you would like to use the Cucumber test framework, download the dependencies with npm.
Tomorrow's ECMAScript modules today! Prohlížejte všechny příspěvky na blogu v groundbreakers blogu v Oracle Community Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash - plotly/plotly.js Example setup with Karma and Require.js. Contribute to kimjoar/karma-requirejs development by creating an account on GitHub. require('jasmine-node'); require('jscoverage-reporter'); var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); // Adjust output directory as needed jasmineEnv.addReporter(new jasmine.JSCoverageReporter('.reports')) require('.node_modules/jasmine-node/lib… Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jest and Jasmine - JamieMason/Jasmine-Matchers
module.exports = function(config){ config.set({ basePath : './ files : [ 'app/resources/bower/angular/angular.js', 'app/resources/bower/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', 'app/resources/bower/angular-route/angular-route.js', 'app/app.js… As a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles.
Run jasmine specs headlessly through Headless Chrome - gruntjs/grunt-contrib-jasmine jQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework - velesin/jasmine-jquery An SBT plugin for running jasmine tests in your build. - guardian/sbt-jasmine-plugin Automate JSLint using Jasmine. Contribute to sasidhar/jslint-jasmine development by creating an account on GitHub. (unsupported) Jasmine JsTestDriver Adapter. Write Jasmine BDD code, and run it on JsTD. - ibolmo/jasmine-jstd-adapter Jasmine for GJS. Contribute to ptomato/jasmine-gjs development by creating an account on GitHub.
24 Nov 2019 Download the framework of your choice and configure it as a WebStorm To use Jasmine, add jasmine-jstd-adapter to the configuration file.